Because science is understanding the art of Nature, step by step, research after research.
The purpose of the project: create scientific curiosity
We want to communicate scientific notions through music and visual arts so as to draw audience into a process of scientific awareness aimed at creating desire for knowledge.
This is how we hope to kindle in people the desire to search for information based on scientific literature.

The portal aims to transmit basic scientific information while sonifying the unique and specific characteristics reported in the DNA of the organisms.
The process, which translates DNA sequences into musical compositions, begins with an intricate method called individual mapping. This phase focuses on converting the genetic information of a single organism into a musical score, offering a novel way to appreciate biodiversity through the interplay of science and art.
The birth
of the idea
Each organism is unique and each has specific characteristics which are reported and translated by DNA, a long and complex molecule that conceals within itself the enormous diversity of genetic codes.
And what if it was possible to play the genetic code of a living being as if it was a musical score?
It may sound strange, but you don’t have to be the Almighty or a mad scientist to be able to answer these questions.
As a matter of fact, in 2018, during a congress in Norway, the biologist Andrea Desiderato discovered that it is possible to convert DNA into exact musical notes. In other words, each of us, each animal or blade of grass, has some “music” within, in fact their own pieces of music.
“This is Amazonia Mapeada:
imagens and sounds of eDNA“
imagens and sounds of eDNA“